Acknowledging ARC research

This page provides guidance on how to brand study outputs funded or supported by the NIHR. An output is any item arising from the NIHR-funded research that enters the public domain. Outputs can be written, audio/visual, electronic or verbally presented.

For information about the notification requirements of research outputs, and guidance on acknowledging NIHR and branding guidelines, please visit the NIHR outputs and branding page. Some of the key points are summarised below. 

All written and oral research outputs should acknowledge the NIHR funding in full, include the NIHR unique award identifier and the NIHR disclaimer. For example:

This study/project is funded by/supported by the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands (ARC EM). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. 


Please use the 'Funded by NIHR' logo on visual and digital outputs. You should also acknowledge NIHR and use our disclaimer. Funded researchers should not use the corporate NIHR logo.

  • Websites - Add the logo and disclaimer so that it is visible without scrolling down the page on a desktop.
  • Print - On research posters and patient leaflets, add the logo and disclaimer below the fold or the bottom half of the page.
  • For research posters, you can use your institution’s templates. You can also use an NIHR poster template and add your host institution logo.
  • Slides - Add the logo on the first slide and the acknowledgement and disclaimer on the final slide.
  • You can use your institution’s templates for slide decks. You can use an NIHR poster template and add your host institution logo.
  • Videos - Add the 'Funded by NIHR' logo on the final frame with the acknowledgement and disclaimer.


NIHR ARC East Midlands branded templates are also available to use, please amend the acknowledgment statement as appropriate: 

Virtual backgrounds