Type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes: understanding uptake to screening, progression rates and costs

What we are doing:

We are doing a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis to investigate progression to type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in women with previous gestational diabetes (GDM) overall and by different screening tests and to evaluate their efficacy. Additionally, we are using data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) to assess the rate of compliance with post-partum screening for T2DM following GDM, and investigate the factors associated with regular screening versus poor uptake. Finally, we will use a Markov multistate model to assess all health and monetary costs of progression to T2DM, as well as the potential impact of reducing future incidence.

Why we are doing it:

GDM is a transient condition whereby women develop glucose intolerance and insulin resistance during pregnancy, followed by complete resolution in most cases after delivery. As well as increased pregnancy complications, women with GDM have a seven-fold higher risk of developing T2DM in the future, compared to those who have not suffered the condition, with this risk being even higher in South Asian populations. This PhD project aims to investigate progression to T2DM, to provide an estimate about the rate of compliance with post-partum screening and identify possible determinants as well as to model all associated potential health and monetary costs.

What the benefits will be:

This research will provide novel and inclusive information about progression to T2DM, post-partum screening and the determinants of these rates, as well as the potential health benefits and overall cost-effectiveness of improving screening uptake, and intervening to reduce progression to T2DM in women with previous GDM. Our research findings will aid healthcare professionals in improving the quality of provided health services, promote further research, inform policymakers in real-time decision making, always focusing on patients and aiming to create knowledge that can be applied in real-world situations.

Who we are working with:

  • Leicester Real World Evidence Unit
  • Leicester Diabetes Centre


Elpida Vounzoulaki, PhD Student in Diabetes, ev63@le.ac.uk.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash