Implementing evidence-based rural community stroke services

What we are doing:

A realist evaluation of three exemplar community stroke services in rural England is being conducted in order to identify underlying mechanisms that facilitate the implementation of evidence-based, early supported discharge (ESD) services. The three services have been identified from a national audit due to their ability to meet evidence-based criteria.

Why we are doing it: 

The initial randomised controlled trials on which the guidelines are based were predominately conducted in urban settings. Some rural community stroke services report challenges delivering ESD. Additionally, some rural areas of England have yet to commission ESD services.

What the benefits will be:

The findings from this research will inform the commissioning of rurally-based stroke services and also assist those ESD services currently experiencing challenges in meeting the current guideline and audit requirements. 

Who we are working with:

Rurally-based community stroke services in England


Jo Howe, email:


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels