Epidemiology of sarcopenia as a precursor to multiple long-term conditions

Sarcopenia as a biomarker for people with multiple long-term conditions: an epidemiological perspective

What we are doing?

One way to identify individuals at risk of developing multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs) at an early stage is through biomarkers (objectively measurable characteristics that are indicators of normal biological processes). Sarcopenia is characterised by progressive muscle mass and strength loss, partly driven by aging, but accelerated and more prevalent in those with MLTCs. We aim to review the potential biomarkers of sarcopenia, and perform an epidemiological analysis using the UK BioBank to explore sarcopenia prevalence across pre-existing MLTCs, the association with long-term clinical outcomes, and the potential for sarcopenia as a prognostic “red flag” for the development of MLTCs.

Why we are doing it?

There are roughly 14 million people in England living with MLTCs and this number is growing, in line with our aging population. Early recognition, screening and treatment of MLTCs are vital to reducing morbidity and minimising risks to individuals while reducing costs to the healthcare system. Various markers may act as a early warning sign to better target interventions, aid the identification of preventative strategies and reduce the associated burden of MLTCs through better treatment. Sarcopenia is estimated to affected 10-30% of individuals, and results in deterioration of functional performance and independence, and increased frailty, morbidity and mortality.

What the benefits will be and to whom?

This work has great potential to impact applied practice as identifying readily available biomarkers for MLTCs may support diagnosis, facilitate the tracking of changes over time, and help clinical and therapeutic decision-making processes. As mentioned above, many people in England (and the rest of the UK) are living with MLTCs, with the number expected to grow. The healthcare and economic issues that come with caring for an aging population will only become more relevant as people are living longer – and we’d like people to spend more of those years healthy.

Who we are working with?

  • NIHR ARC East Midlands
  • Leicester Real World Evidence Unit – Leicester Diabetes Centre
  • UK BioBank – a study containing health-related data and biological samples of half a million volunteers from across the UK to inform research on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.


Abi Burton, PhD Student, University of Leicester, anb24@leicester.ac.uk.