World Mental Health Day

Date published

Today is World Mental Health Day and we have a number of items in our CLAHRC store page to help improve the mental health and wellbeing of our population.

Our CLAHRC store offers easy to access and use, evidence based products that can be downloaded free of charge, including:

ADHD care in the East Midlands


This document shares recent findings from the AQUA randomised controlled trial and the Transforming Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) demonstrator project. The intention is to encourage the adoption of the QbTest to benefit patients through reduced delay to diagnosis, whilst saving NHS time and money.

Health is Everyone’s Business

This booklet is a guide to advance planning and making decisions about your personal welfare, property and financial affairs. It covers key points about the Mental Capacity Act and Advance Planning.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Health Anxiety

This booklet will help explain health anxiety and was developed to support people receiving treatment as part of a research study. It may also be useful for people trying to understand health anxiety and what might improve it.