Turning up the volume on the families story event

Date published

​An event taking place in Nottingham next month aims to turn up the volume on the narrative of family experiences when they have a child with a learning disability.

It is designed for family caregivers, professional carers and influencers across health and social care takes place on Friday 29 March 2019.

The ‘Turning up the volume on the families story’ event will be held at the Institution of Mental Health, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham Innovation Park, from 10am to 3.30pm, with registration opening at 9.30am.

  • Have you ever thought that someone has heard you but didn’t listen? 
  • Are you a family caregiver, professional carer or influencer across health and social care? 
  • Do you want to turn up the volume on the narrative of family experiences who have a child with a learning disability?

Participate in our interactive workshops throughout the day. Speakers include academics, family members and policy influencers. 

Places are FREE but limited, so book. To register, email clahrc@nottingham.ac.uk.
