Sam Malins awarded CLAHRC EM PhD

Date published

We would like to congratulate Dr Sam Malins for passing his PhD viva, funded by CLAHRC EM.

Sam’s PhD was on What helps and what hinders in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Interactions. The PhD aimed to develop and test a tool for predicting long-term health outcomes from early interactions in psychological therapy. Sam summarised his PhD as part of the 3 minute thesis talk which can be accessed here.

Sam is currently working to publish his current work and develop a bid for future development, as part of the CLAHRC EM clinical academic Gold Scholarship and Health Education England grant scheme.

Speaking about his achievements, Sam said: “The viva was a fantastic vote of confidence for the research, so I am really pleased and I’m looking forward to moving the work forward”.

Well done Sam and we wish you all the best for the future!