Nursing Times Awards win for Ashley Duncan

Date published

ARC East Midlands PhD student Ashley Duncan has triumphed at the 2020 Student Nursing Times Awards.

The nurse won Post-registration Learner of the Year category beating off stiff competition to claim the national accolade.

Ashley said: “I am so honoured to have won this Nursing Times award. I want to thank the University of Nottingham for their continuous support. Many thanks to the judges and all those who contributed towards this incredible awards ceremony. Winning this award means a tremendous amount to me and this will mark a key moment within my career. 

“This award will forever be a symbol of all the hard work that I’ve put in. Moreover, this award further represents all the exceptional individuals that I have had the opportunity to work alongside. I will continue to aim high and achieve in all areas of my nursing and academic career. Lastly, it is a privilege to represent the University of Nottingham at the Student Nursing Times Award 2020.”

Ashley is investigating the impact of COVID-19 on anxiety, depression and related health. The purpose is to identify which intervention may be suitable for supporting individuals. She is in the data collection phase of her PhD at present. She has launched an online and postal questionnaire, which investigates psychological and physical health. Study participants are part of a cohort study, therefore data collected will compare physical and psychological health of approximately 3,000 individuals, before and during a pandemic.