Increasing Living Kidney Donation Awareness through Art Project

Date published

The Centre for Ethnic Health Research (CEHR) together with the ARC East Midlands are running a project to develop an innovative virtual art exhibition set to increase awareness about living kidney donation amongst ethnic minority groups.

This exhibition will be an online display portraying personal stories and experiences of living kidney donation through a variety of art, such as paintings, poems and drawings. 

Funded by the NHS Blood and Transplant Community Investment Scheme, the project will primarily target South Asian, African and African Caribbean communities. These groups have higher rates of kidney disease, and people from these groups wait on average 6-12 months longer for a kidney transplant, in which time they may need life-saving dialysis treatment.

 What is the aim?

The aim is to campaign about the wider issue of kidney disease together with an awareness of the benefits of living kidney donation. Our aim is to inspire people to donate a kidney to someone who needs it. We hope that we can spark up conversations about living kidney donation with and hope this effort goes towards potentially improving the quality of life for those who are in need.

How do I get involved?

If you have received a kidney, given a kidney, or live with kidney disease, we want to hear from you.

We would like you to submit a piece of art that reflects your experience and story of living with kidney disease. This could be a poem you have written, a photo that captures how kidney donation has changed (or would change) your life for the better, or even a painting you have done. If you do not have any art to submit, we would still like to hear from you and there is the possibility we can arrange a local artist to help create a piece based on your story.

To get involved and for more information, click here.