Congratulations to Vicky on gaining University of Nottingham role

Date published

Dr Vicky Booth has pledged to continue submitting fellowship and grant applications to build her research portfolio after being awarded an Assistant Professorship at the University of Nottingham.

The CLAHRC EM researcher is now Assistant Professor at the university’s Division of Rehabilitation, Ageing and Wellbeing in the School of Medicine, as well asan AHP Clinical Academic Lead at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

This new university role has research and teaching commitments, which started on April 1.

Talking about what it will entail, Dr Booth said: “I will be continuing my research interests in physiotherapy, exercise and physical activity for people affected by dementia and cognitive impairment. Part of that research will include my on-going involvement in the PrAISED Programme Grant (NIHR).  

“I will be convening modules on the MSc programmes run within the Division and am excited to contribute to the teaching within the school. Alongside this I will continue submitting fellowship and grant applications to build my research portfolio, as well as supporting PhD and MSc students to develop their own Clinical Academic careers.”

Dr Booth has emphasised the clinical academic nature of her two roles. She said: “This new role allows me to be an equal 50:50 split between the NHS and HEI. My substantive NHS contract with Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust is as a senior physiotherapist in neurology, however, I am currently on secondment to Research and Innovation where I am job-sharing with Dr Katie Robinson as AHP Clinical Academic Lead. The NHS and HEI role complement each other perfectly, encompassing clinical, leadership, research, and teaching responsibilities across both organisations.”

This new role will also allow Dr Booth to continue as the Lead for the CAHPR East Midlands hub, which aims to get all AHPs engaged in research.