Celebrating CLAHRC success as two PhDs awarded

Date published
Laurie and Kate

We would like to congratulate Dr Laurie Hare Duke and Dr Kate Jack for being awarded with their PhDs.

Laurie, who passed his viva with no corrections, carried our his research on social connectedness and depression. His PhD aimed to optimise and evaluate a psychosocial intervention to improve the quality of social ties of adults accessing treatment for depression. Laurie’s PhD was part of our CLAHRC Enhancing Mental Health theme and was part funded by the University of Nottingham. Laurie is currently a research fellow at the University of Nottingham. Read more here

Likewise, Kate has also successfully defended her thesis. Her PhD involved evaluating the effect of a public health policy to increase hepatitis C testing in prisons within the East Midlands region. Kate’s PhD was linked to our CLAHRC Preventing Chronic Disease theme. Kate is currently working as an Advanced Virology (Hepatitis) Specialist Nurse at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and is looking forward to promoting clinical-academic careers for nurses. Read more here

Well done Laurie and Kate, we wish you all the best for the future!