ARC EM supports 'Your Path in Research' campaign

Date published

Researchers from ARC East Midlands have been sharing their stories to celebrate an NIHR campaign.

The NIHR Academy has relaunched its ‘Your Path in Research’ campaign to encourage more health and care professionals across a wide range of NHS trust and community settings to become more involved in research.

The campaign started on October 4 in celebration of James Lind’s birthday and will be promoted over the course of two weeks up to 16 October.

As a naval surgeon and physician James Lind is best remembered for his discovery that citrus fruit combated the effects of scurvy during long sea voyages. 

Telling their stories

Dr Sam Malins, Honorary Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology

In this short video, Sam explains why he is passionate about research. To watch it, click here.

Sarah Brand, Clinical Research Nurse

“As a practicing clinical research nurse and nurse researcher, I see daily the difference that research can make to patients. Research allows us to offer better care to patients and innovate our practice. Many nurses think that research isn’t for them, but actually it is for all of us. 

“Whether that’s raising a clinical question which someone else might build their research study on, assisting with the delivery of research studies as a clinical research nurse, or leading a programme of nursing research, nurses are essential to research. Research has given me an exciting and varied nursing career and the East Midlands ARC have been pivotal in enabling and supporting me to do this.”

Elpida Vounzoulaki, PhD Researcher in Diabetes Epidemiology

“I am proud to do a PhD and work in research as this gives me the opportunity to create new knowledge that can aid healthcare professionals in improving the quality of provided health care services, promote further research in the field, and inform policymakers in real-time decision making! 

“There is nothing more rewarding than being able to learn and develop – both personally and professionally while working as a member of a unique research community that allows you to reach your full potential!”

Louise Howe, Occupational Therapist, Research Assistant and PhD researcher in healthcare

"As an occupational therapist and research assistant on a multi-site randomised controlled trial, I am fortunate to be contributing to the development of an evidence based rehabilitation intervention and supporting therapists in delivering these interventions.  Working on the Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) trial, has been a great opportunity to learn more about the research process and the team have supported me in beginning a PhD in healthcare.

"I believe we need to develop our health services through good quality research and the delivery of evidence based practice. For my PhD, I am currently completing a realist evaluation of the therapist training and support programme on the PrAISED study. I am hoping to develop knowledge about how therapists learn and implement interventions in research setting, with a view to making recommendations on how this may be done in future research trials. My ARC East Midlands studentship has enabled me to learn new skills in research and evidence based practice that I will utilise in my career for many years to come."

The campaign

One of the NIHR’s overall aims is for research to be recognised as part of providing best patient care in all specialties. The NIHR’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought clinical, care and research professionals together in a way not seen before; working to support patients, service users, carers and families to take part in research. This unique collaboration is helping find the evidence to provide treatments, rehabilitation and knowledge into a new disease. This brings research to life for many health and care professionals that perhaps would not have recognised this in their workplace before. 

To either follow or take part in the Your Path in Research campaign, use the hashtag #YourPathInResearch on social media.