ARC East Midlands researcher up for ‘Pandemic Hero’ accolade

Date published

Dr Fiona Marshall has been nominated for an award for going above and beyond the call of duty to help others during the pandemic.

The Research Fellow, who is leading the COVID-19 Care Home Sectors Study for ARC East Midlands, has been nominated for Buxton & Leek College’s ‘Pandemic Heroes’ initiative.

Dr Marshall was put forward by a member of her local community for “outstanding work, commitment and community spirit during the course of the pandemic”.

She will be rewarded with a free luxury, three-course meal cooked and served by the college’s catering apprentices as a part of its celebrations for National Apprenticeship Week.

The apprenticeship team decided to give back to the local residents that have helped others during the pandemic, by cooking the meal at the glittering Devonshire Dome to take place on Monday, February 7, 2022.

Dr Marshall said: “I would like to add that I am representing all those who worked so hard within care homes and those in the community who helped during the two waves of the pandemic. I would also like to represent all the researchers across the region who pulled contributed their expertise during the pandemic.”

Tom Malpass, College Business Development Manager for Apprenticeships, who is helping to organise the event, said: “We wanted to acknowledge all the tireless work that people in our community have demonstrated over the last few years.

“The pandemic has been hard for everyone and we’ve had to pull together. BLC’s NAW 2022 meal is our opportunity to say thank you to those amongst us that have gone the extra mile, our ‘Pandemic Heroes’.”