Annabelle Long awarded PhD

Date published
Congratulations (15)

Huge congratulations to Annabelle Long for passing her PhD with minor corrections.

Funded by ARC East Midlands and Alzheimer's Society, Annabelle’s PhD looked at the characteristics and core components needed to implement exercise classes for people with dementia in the community.

Annabelle has an additional year of funding from the Alzheimers Society during which she will be disseminating her findings through publications and presentations at conferences. She is also planning on working with the Alzheimers Society to use her findings to create some resources for their website.

Speaking about her achievements, Annabelle said: "I was over the moon to pass my PhD with minor corrections. My viva was a really collegiate experience where I felt able to discuss my work with my examiners as an equal and I am so pleased that they enjoyed reading the thesis. Over the next year I plan to make sure that this work gets out there and can start helping those people living with dementia."

More information about this research is available here:

Published on: 26 Jun 2023