Ethnography for Healthcare Improvement Summer School - book your place now!

Type of event

College Court Conference Centre, Knighton Road, Leicester, LE2 3UF

Do you want the chance to critically engage with the theory and practice of ethnography in healthcare settings?

Book now for University of Leicester, SAPPHIRE’s (Social science APPlied to Healthcare Improvement REsearch) two day Ethnography for Healthcare Improvement Summer School, 7-8th July 2020.

Ethnographic enquiry has become increasingly influential within healthcare improvement as it enables valuable insights into how we understand, measure and seek to deliver high quality care. However, use of ethnographic methods in healthcare improvement also presents a number of practical, social and epistemological challenges. This two day summer school will enable researchers, doctoral and postdoctoral students to develop methodological expertise and critical thinking about key debates related to ethnographic practice within a healthcare policy and practice context. The course includes lectures, group work and student presentations enabling attendees to benefit from application of critical theory to their projects and practical tips from the field as well as access to an ethnography in healthcare improvement community of practice.

Feedback from 2019 Summer School

‘I really enjoyed the summer school and have found it extremely useful. Such a wealth of knowledge which has really helped me reshape my ideas’

‘Through the course you’ve helped me take ethnography off the high up shelf and made it accessible & something I am looking forward to doing’


For more information see blog from one of our attendees last year.

For further questions, please email: