East Midlands Clinical-Academic Practitioner Network Meeting

Type of event

Ingenuity Centre, Room A15, University of Nottingham Innovation Park, Jubilee Campus, Triumph Road, Nottingham, NG7 2TU


The 5th meeting of the East Midlands Clinical-Academic Practitioner Network (EMCAPN) will be held on 4th December 2019, from 12:00 – 14:00

(Starting with a networking lunch)

Items for discussion

The meeting will include:

  • Job descriptions, including hearing from a clinical lecturer about how his job description developed
  • Gathering your ideas about what clinical academic job descriptions should include
  • Update on the research that many of you took part in about your experiences of being a clinical academic – how it has been disseminated and further developments
  • Highlighting resources available to EMCAPN members including the ‘who’s who’
  • Hearing your suggestions for the role of EMCAPN

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

How to register

To register your place, please email: emcapn@nottingham.ac.uk

More information 

For more information, contact:

Louise Bramley RN, PhD
Clinical Academic Lead Nurse
Nottingham Hospitals NHS Trust
Email: Louise.Bramley@nuh.nhs.uk
Mobile: 07747 862878
Twitter: @loubramley

Emma Rowley
Capacity Development Lead
NIHR ARC East Midlands
Email: Emma.Rowley@nottingham.ac.uk
Telephone: 0115 82 31313
Twitter: @E_Rowley
Website: www.arc-em.nihr.ac.uk