Core Team



Professor Kamlesh Khunti

Director and Theme Lead for Multiple Long-Term Conditions theme.
Professor of Primary Care Diabetes and Vascular Medicine, University of Leicester.

Theme Leads

Professor Adam Gordon

Theme Lead for Building Community Resilience and Enabling Independence.
Professor of the Care of Older People, University of Nottingham.

Professor Laura Gray

Theme Lead for Data2Health theme.
Professor of Medical Statistics and co-Leads the Biostatistics Research Group, University of Leicester.

Professor Manish Pareek

Theme Lead for Ethnicity and Health Inequalities theme.
Clinical Professor in Infectious Diseases, University of Leicester.

Professor Richard Morriss

Professor Richard Morriss

Theme Lead for Mental Health and Wellbeing theme.
Professor of Psychiatry and Community Mental Health, University of Nottingham.

Natalie Armstrong

Professor Natalie Armstrong

Theme Lead for Translating and Implementing Sustainable Service Improvement theme.
Professor of Healthcare Improvement Research and Deputy Head of College of Life Sciences, University of Leicester.

Core team

Donna Richardson

Assistant Director
ARC East Midlands

Mark Howells

Head of Research and Evidence Organisation
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Professor Marion Walker

Collaboration Lead
ARC East Midlands

Carol Akroyd

Senior Programme Manager
ARC East Midlands

Yvonne Price

Senior Programme Manager
ARC East Midlands

Kevin Quigley

Performance and Impact Lead
ARC East Midlands

Emma Rowley

Knowledge mobilisation and Academic Career Development Lead
ARC East Midlands

Kiran Johal

Communications Manager
ARC East Midlands

Kaj Patel

Communications Manager
NIHR Programmes Communications Manager

Michelle Brown

Senior Administrator
ARC East Midlands