Falls Management Exercise (FaME) Implementation Toolkit

This toolkit provides a suite of resources that commissioners can use to plan, implement and monitor the FaME programme.

The sections cover:

  • Section 1 - Building the case for implementing FaME

This section includes evidence summaries for commissioners and elected members, a costing tool, a business case and real life case studies from FaME class participants.

  • Section 2 – Planning the implementation of FaME

This section includes an implementation Gantt chart, a service specification, example delivery models, videos, logic model and key learning from the PhISICAL study.

  • Section 3 – Implementing the programme

This section includes sample promotional materials, template clinical letters, briefings for referrers and participants, home exercise diaries, videos and a sample class register.

  • Section 4 – Monitoring, evaluation and quality improvement

This section includes quality assurance guidance and suggested monitoring tools and schedule.