Centre for Ethnic Health Research

The Centre for Ethnic Health Research logo

What we do

The Centre for Ethnic Health Research is located in one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the UK and is uniquely placed to conduct research on issues affecting the health and wellbeing of ethnic and migrant communities.

The Centre for Ethnic Health Research works to address the health inequalities in health care access and health outcomes by supporting individuals and organisations in planning and undertaking research and healthcare delivery involving and understanding black and minority ethnic and seldom heard communities.

The Centre aims to reduce health inequalities locally and nationally by working with patients, the public, community and voluntary sectors, researchers, and health and social organisations.

We have a number of community-based research staff who engage with seldom heard communities and inspire community-led research. We design and deliver resources and alternative methodologies that are informed and led by communities who are ‘not reached’ by some clinicians and researchers.

These methods and our involvement allow us to promote culturally-sensitive resources and raise awareness of community engagement and collaboration across research and healthcare delivery.

We also deliver research with ethnic minority groups, host a Community Partners’ Panels, provide engagement and competency training and collaborate with researchers, universities and organisations to widen participation with seldom heard groups.

What the Centre will provide

  • Capacity building programmes aimed at supporting and enhancing researchers’ skills, knowledge and confidence to produce high quality health service research based on the active participation of black and minority ethnic communities.
  • Workshop and seminar programmes including – Cultural competency in research, commissioning and health inequalities
  • PPI Panel to review and support funding applications
  • Website with resources and links including health information and How2Guides
  • Links to community facilitators, translators and support organisations
  • Actively influence a culture of practice in which ethnic minority involvement informs and supports research, service planning, commissioning and delivery of health and adult social care services and healthcare; and where achievements are shared and celebrated.
  • Research and commissioning tailored to community needs
  • Undertake community engagement strategies that foster the trust and buy in of ethnic minority communities to raise the profile of research and opportunities to participate in research, health and social care joint working and to resource their capacity to act on this commitment.
  • Run health information events and workshops to share knowledge
  • Training and support for individuals wishing to be partners in research

Contact us


Follow the centre on Twitter at @EthnicHealthRes


For more information about the centre, visit the website.


Email us at EthnicHealthResearch@leicester.ac.uk.

Useful links