Stopping smoking in pregnancy: A briefing for maternity care providers

Stopping smoking in pregnancy: A briefing for maternity care providers

Stopping smoking in pregnancy: A briefing for maternity care providers

This briefing is aimed at helping members of the maternity care team to deliver VBA to their patients in order to maximise the opportunity for pregnant women who smoke to get expert support before, during and
after their quit attempt. The breifing covers:

  • Background
  • Very Brief Advice on Smoking
  • Section 1: Ask
  • Section 2: Advise
  • Section 3: Act
  • Section 4: The Post-Partum Period
  • NCSCT Training
  • Other Resources

Standard Treatment Programme for Pregnant Women

This document provides a guide to providing behavioural support for smoking cessation during pregnancy and the post-partum period, and covers the following sessions:

  • Session 1: Pre-quit Assessment
  • Session 2: Quit Date
  • Session 3/4/5: Weekly post Quit Date
  • Session 6: 4 weeks post Quit Date