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Practical Classification Guidelines for Diabetes in patients treated with insulin: A cross-sectional study of the accuracy of diabetes diagnosis


Hope S.V., Wienand-Barnett S., Shepherd M., King S.M., Fox C., Khunti K., Oram R.A., Knight B.A., Hattersley A.T., Jones A.G., Shields B.M. Practical Classification Guidelines for Diabetes in patients treated with insulin: A cross-sectional study of the accuracy of diabetes diagnosis, British Journal of General Practice, 2016 May; 66 (646): e315-322. 


Differentiating between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is fundamental to ensuring appropriate management of patients, but can be challenging, especially when treating with insulin. The 2010 UK Practical Classification Guidelines for Diabetes were developed to help make the differentiation.
