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Factors influencing safe glucose-lowering in older adults with type 2 diabetes: A PeRsOn-centred ApproaCh To IndiVidualisEd (PROACTIVE) Glycemic Goals for older people: A position statement of Primary Care Diabetes Europe


Hambling CE, Khunti K, Cos X, Wens J, Martinez L, Topsever P, et al. Factors influencing safe glucose-lowering in older adults with type 2 diabetes: A PeRsOn-centred ApproaCh To IndiVidualisEd (PROACTIVE) Glycemic Goals for older people: A position statement of Primary Care Diabetes Europe. Prim Care Diabetes. 2019


Diabetes in later life is associated with a range of factors increasing the complexity of glycaemic management. This position statement, developed from an extensive literature review of the subject area, represents a consensus opinion of primary care clinicians and diabetes specialists.

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