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Devices for self-monitoring sedentary time or physical activity: a scoping review


Sanders J.P., Loveday A., Pearson N., Edwardson C., Yates T., Biddle S.J.H., Esliger D.W. Devices for self-monitoring sedentary time or physical activity: a scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2016 May 4; 18(5): e90. 


It is well documented that meeting the guideline levels (150 minutes per week) of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (PA) is protective against chronic disease. Conversely, emerging evidence indicates the deleterious effects of prolonged sitting. Therefore, there is a need to change both behaviors. Self-monitoring of behavior is one of the most robust behavior-change techniques available. The growing number of technologies in the consumer electronics sector provides a unique opportunity for individuals to self-monitor their behavior.
